Monday 11 January 2010


Why do you always seem so perfect to me when you're really not? You have more flaws than most, but when I see you or talk to you, even if its just a text, it makes it all melt away and I can't remember why you annoyed me.

Why do you make me feel this way? I thought the butterflies would have faded and the nerves would have gone, but just the thought of you brings them all back.

Why don't you ever say anything? Why do you wait till the end of the night to tell me you love me? Why do you never tell me I'm beautiful, apart from one text? Why don't you ever say anything? Is it because you don't feel that way really?

Something to think about....

Friday 8 January 2010


Try to do something special, but it doesn't work, nice to know someone makes the effort though *rolls eyes*

Something to think about...

Saturday 2 January 2010

A new year..

Wow, everything will change, my world, as I know it, is over...

something to think about...